Using proven tactics developed by the Department of Justice and U.S. Secret Services, PGI’s protective personnel are able to provide short-term/special-event protection, as well as design and implement long-term residential or business protective programs. Our protective agents are active or former law enforcement personnel, and their training and experience in personal protection provides our clients the most professional and effective service possible, both in appearance and appropriately swift response times.
Our staff knows the importance of avoiding confrontation and maintaining a low profile. Ancillary to our protection services, we provide security for workplace violence and conduct threat assessment evaluations, followed by threat management of particular situations. We also provide event preparation and planning services to ensure the safest and most successful event or safe travel possible.
Corporations spend millions hiring the best and brightest executives to manage their businesses, making these highly sought-after talented individuals a valuable asset to the continued success of their team. Executives may fall victim to exposure to liability or injury from poor planning, crime of opportunity, including kidnap for ransom, or become victim to an unexpected or catastrophic event.
We identify the individuals who are critical to your organization, assess their exposure, and review the possible impact of liability or loss to the corporation or to their established reputation.
Our offer of protective services extends to family members. PGI provides a 360-security assessment of not just the organization, but to the corporate officers as well.